Working Genius
Maturity Model Assessment
Discover the joy in your work
The Working Genius assessment allows people to discover their natural talents, and to distinguish them from their competencies, which often are focussed on in many workplaces. It will also highlight the working frustrations that sometimes are assigned to people, which can quickly drain people of their desire to work.
Are you ready to discover what many others have learned to orient their working lives to what they truly enjoy, to take advantage of your innate abilities to bring the best of yourself to the workplace?
Your Working Genius Assessment and Debrief for only $45CAD

Coffee in a travel mug stays hot and tastes as good as when it was poured hours later (genius).

Coffee in a mug is good when it is poured and is not so good after sitting for hours (competency).

Coffee in a styrofoam cup with a hole in the bottom is difficult to drink under any circumstances (frustration).
Your Working Genius Assessment and Debrief for only $45CAD

A charging or battery at 100% can be used for anything – streaming a movie, a video and all sorts of activities (genius)
A battery less than 100% can be used for anything – but only for a finite time, as the charge diminishes with use (competency)
A battery at less than 10% cannot be used for streaming anything, is limited in function, and will soon become useless (frustration)
Your Working Genius Assessment and Debrief for only $45CAD

Crossing “Loving to do” with “Good at doing” (and their inverses) reveal the core of the working genius model.
Loving to do and sucking at doing is not covered in the model, but is best described as a novice, still learning.
Loving to do and Good at doing is the working genius quadrant.
Hating to do and Good at doing is the working competency quadrant.
Hating to do and Sucking at doing is the working frustration quadrant.
Learning our working geniuses, frustrations, and competencies can enable us to not only understand ourselves better, but helps groups of individuals (teams, families, volunteers, etc.) to understand one another, and helps distribute tasks aligned with the geniuses people have – which can help bring more joy to any environment!
Your Working Genius Assessment and Debrief for only $45CAD

Your workplace can adopt practices to change how employees show up and function at work. Beyond Safety Compliance helps organizations realize that compliance is only a minimum bar and helps them on their journey to have a healthier workplace.