We all have hidden treasures that we can share
While going to funerals is not an activity many look forward to, when speeches are made about someone who has passed away, we can sometimes learn about habits that people had that touched many lives.
Years ago, I went to a funeral of a woman who regularly read the newspaper (when newspapers were delivered door to door), and she often clipped out articles and sent them in letters to people with whom she had a connection. These could be friends, co-workers, hairdressers, neighbours, pastors, small store owners, etc. Many people who had received newspaper clippings attended her funeral, and were shocked to learn that others had been given the same treatment. In other words, they believed they alone were getting newspaper clippings from the deceased woman, and only in the collective did they realize she was constantly doing this for many people. Funeral attendees went from feeling as though they were a special connection to realizing they are part of a larger family, created by the humble lady whose life we were celebrating.
More recently, a former Prime Minister of Canada passed away, and many aspects of his life were revealed. While he had a public persona that did not resonate with many in the country, he had a habit of calling people on the telephone when they were at their highest high (in congratulations), and at their lowest low (when they most needed the support). Story after story was shared of journalists, politicians, authors, business people, and countless others who repeated this same story – this former Prime Minster contacted them at moments of glory, and more importantly, in the shadows of despair. He had a rolodex of literally thousands of Canadians, and used it to reach out to them in their moments of need. And each person believed they were the only one who had been touched by this gesture, but realized in his very public funeral that many, many people had received such a call.
These are but two examples of habits that people had that did not define who they were. They quietly lived their lives, spreading goodness to others, without drawing attention to themselves – in fact, only after they passed away did others see the weaving they had done in their lifetimes.
We, too, can spread goodness, not for the acclaim and notoriety of getting likes and admiration, but just quietly in the background, so as to knit a garment that helps bring people together, perhaps only once you have passed on. Humility is a virtue that is undervalued in our society, but the power of sewing hidden treasures can be inspiring to others and help those who need a personal touch.
Think about your hidden treasure, and how you can spread goodness to the world.